

Temporarily unavailable by phone

From July 27th to August 11th, our headquarters will be closed for a short summer break. As a result, we will be temporarily unavailable by phone. In the meantime, please send an email to After the short break, we will respond as quickly as possible.

Our showrooms will be open seven days a week during this period.

We look forward to welcoming you in Heeze, Rotterdam, Utrecht, or Deventer, where you can also ask any questions you may have.

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Solar energy

Our sustainable energy source.

The production of our furniture naturally costs energy. We also try to act as sustainably as possible in this area and we do this as follows:

In 2019, approximately 1000 solar panels were therefore placed on the roof of Table du Sud HQ! In 2021, another 800 solar panels were installed on the roof of the second building.

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The sun as energy source

The sunny summer offered us the solution for obtaining energy. Namely solar energy! The sun is a clean source of energy that never runs out.
There are solar panels on the roof of both buildings. This ensures that we can sustainably generate the energy we use to make our furniture.

We save you the time and effort of counting all the solar panels, because we know exactly how much there are! In total you will find about 1800 solar panels on top of Table du Sud. We can say with certainty that not a single ray of sunshine is left unused!

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Want to know more?

Read erverything there is to know about Table du Sud and sustainability.

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