

Temporarily unavailable by phone

From July 27th to August 11th, our headquarters will be closed for a short summer break. As a result, we will be temporarily unavailable by phone. In the meantime, please send an email to After the short break, we will respond as quickly as possible.

Our showrooms will be open seven days a week during this period.

We look forward to welcoming you in Heeze, Rotterdam, Utrecht, or Deventer, where you can also ask any questions you may have.

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One of the best-known tables.

Rectangular tables, who isn't familiar with those? They can be found in many households and not without reason! A rectangular dining table has beautiful clean lines, creating a tidy appearance. And let's face it, isn't the perfect picture one of a large group at a large table, dining together? Dishes everywhere, your candles lit... Enjoy!

Various frames

Een rechthoekige tafel kan gemakkelijk worden gecombineerd met een diversiteit aan onderstellen, die we allemaal in onze eigen werkplaats maken. Denk hierbij aan poten aan de kopse zijden zodat je nergens last van hebt bij je voeten, en een centrale poot zodat je de gehele lengte van de tafel optimaal kunt benutten. Bij de kopse poten kun je ook zelf de afstand tot de rand bepalen. 

A rectangular table can easily be combined with a variety of frames, which we all make in our own workshop. Think of legs on the head sides so that your feet aren't bothered by anything, or a central leg frame which allows you to optimally make use of the entire length of the table. With legs on both head sides, you can also determine their distance to the edge of the table. 


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