



Table du Elise Milou

What we wear. Where we sit

So you want something else than rectangle, round or oval table shapes? We’ve got the perfect solution for you… Organic Pebble it is! Elise Milou chose this ultimate shape with a distinguishable Japandi look.

It’s fairly easy to look each other in the eyes with this shape. In Dutch we would say ‘gezellig’ which sort of translates to cozy. That’s exactly what pebble shaped tables are! It shows off the perfect blend between Japandi and modern interior styles, just how we like it.

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Elise Milou

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"We’re ultimately satisfied with our new table from Table du Sud. It’s sturdy, beautifully finished and on top of that, made in the Netherlands. It’s definitely worth it to have a look around when you’re on the search for a truly beautiful table."

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