


Table du Sud 
Tailor-made collaboration

B2B | Interior professional

Bespoke furniture and collaborations. 

Partner of Table du Sud
Especially for you as an interior design professional, Table du Sud offers a partner programme. The programme offers exclusive benefits to you as a Table du Sud partner!

Benefits as an interior design professional from Table du Sud
You can grow as a partner every year, where you also get higher commission!

Product training courses
So you can learn more about Table du Sud's range from one of our professionals.

Sample pack
After your registration, you receive a free sample pack. Big plans need more samples!

Visual and SketchUp material
Use our mood and image material to really bring plans to life and create the right look for the customer.

Opportunities as a partner of Table du Sud
The commission you receive as a Table du Sud partner depends on the quantity, price and type of product purchased by the customer. We distinguish between a lead fee and a ready-to-manufacture order.

With a lead fee, you refer your customers to Table du Sud to purchase their furniture.

As a partner, you can also deliver a ready-to-manufacture order. All you have to do is enter it into our system.

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Margret knows all about the partner programme within Table du Sud. She will be happy to answer all your questions about working together as a interior professional. You can reach her via her email or call 040-304 6229 and ask for Margret!

Apply now

Register directly as a Table du Sud partner

1. Login or register

To apply for the partner programme, we first ask you to log in or register. You can create a Table du Sud login for this purpose or sign up via Facebook or Google.

2. Complete your account

Registered? Then complete your details further. Based on these details, your accont will be verified.

3. Verification

After you submit your details, these will be checked by one of our colleagues. On this basis, you will receive the information and conditions appropriate to your account and type of collaboration.


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