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Dining chair Bette, available in various colours and fabrics.
If you go for Bette you get a striking dining chair that greatly enhances your dining room. The striking design in combination with its wooden frame and its seating area (that can be completely configured to your liking) all turn this chair into a true pearl. Discover all the possibilities when it comes to our fabrics and colours and bring a unique piece of furniture into your home!
Design your own dining chair
At Table du Sud you're used to custom work and this is no different with our dining chairs. Basically, the first image you see is merely the tip of the iceberg. There's an incredible amount of possibilities in terms of qualitatively impressive fabrics and colours. That means you're the director of your new acquisition. Get to know the softest fabrics, but also the somewhat harder, solid fabrics that can take a beating. We have an incredible range of flavours in store for you, which means there's always that one fabric available that perfectly matches your taste and the rest of your interior.
Choose the right colour
It will come as no surprise to you that this dining chair is available in many colours. Combine that with the fact that there are dozens of fabrics available and what you get is a ton of possibilities to arrive at a beautiful mix. But how do you choose the right colour for this dining chair? First, it's smart to try and see your dining room as a whole. Have you found a colour that you instantly fell in love with? Then it's smart to check whether this colour matches well with your dining table and possibly the kitchen and other accessories. This way you ensure you retain balance.
In addition, we advise you to consider the lighting. Do you have large windows in your dining room? Then there's a good chance that sunlight has free rein, which means that a relatively dark colour can suddenly look a lot lighter. It also works the other way around, of course. Try to keep this in mind when you're about to cut a cord.
Make your choice
Determine the upholstery of your seating furniture yourself! Start with the material and then select the color. Would you like to know more about the product properties of the different materials? Consult our service page under the heading "maintenance".
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Step 1: Choose your material
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Step 2: Choose your colour
Anthracite 67
Army 14
Aubergine 74
Beige 05
Blossom 166
Blush 92
Brass 170
Clay 84
Coffee 81
Cognac 28
Copper 126
Darkgrey 68
Dolphin 180
Ecru 102
Forest 162
Frost 213
Gold 132
Hazel 96
Herb 214
Hunter 156
Indigo 90
Latte 211
Linen 110
Liver 10
Moss 59
Mushroom 215
Natural 01
Niagara 158
Oyster 175
Pale 200
Petrol 56
Sand 03
Steel 149
Tobacco 111
Winered 39
Wood 108
Anthracite 67
Ashgrey 40
Blue 45
Cacao 83
Clay 84
Copper 126
Denim 153
Ecru 102
Forest 162
Gold 132
Liver 10
Magnolia 160
Ocre 23
Onyx 169
Pearl 106
Steel 149
Thyme 206
Wenge 192
Winered 39
Zinc 167
Beige 05
Bronze 116
Brown 15
Champagne 186
Clay 84
Darkbrown 18
Denim 153
Forest 162
Grey 65
Hazel 96
Indigo 90
Ivory 101
Natural 01
Onyx 169
Sage 203
Taupe 12
Steel 149
Thyme 206
Ashgrey 40
Beige 05
Blush 92
Burgundy 34
Clay 84
Desert 109
Forest 162
Graphite 66
Grey 65
Lightgrey 60
Liver 10
Mustard 06
Natural 01
Niagara 158
Ocre 23
Pearl 106
Plumb 168
Royalblue 47
Shell 196
Slate 87
Taupe 12
Thyme 206
Graphite 66
Slate 87
Grey 65
Ashgrey 40
Clay 84
Shell 196
Oyster 175
Liver 10
Taupe 12
Wood 108
Mauve 140
Burgundy 34
Powder 209
Hazel 96
Ocre 23
Brass 170
Herb 214
Forest 162
Darkblue 48
Anthracite 67
Army 14
Blush 92
Brandy 127
Brass 170
Carmine 36
Clay 84
Cognac 28
Copper 126
Cream 02
Desert 109
Frost 213
Graphite 66
Indigo 90
Ivory 101
Mustard 06
Niagara 158
Onyx 169
Pale 200
Shell 196
Steel 149
Teal 198
Thyme 206
Wood 108
Beige 05
Brown 15
Darkbrown 18
Eucalyptus 193
Forest 162
Graphite 66
Hazel 96
Indigo 90
Lava 165
Lightgrey 60
Liver 10
Natural 01
Niagara 158
Plumb 168
Scarlet 141
Shitake 124
Steel 149
Sun 133
Taupe 12
Army 14
Beige 05
Blush 92
Brass 170
Brown 15
Burgundy 34
Charcoal 79
Curry 216
Desert 109
Graphite 66
Hunter 156
Ivory 101
Lightgrey 60
Liver 10
Natural 01
Niagara 158
Pale 200
Shell 196
Steel 149
Taupe 12
Teal 198
Thyme 206
Ashgrey 40
Cream 02
Desert 109
Graphite 66
Jungle 207
Mustard 06
Natural 01
Niagara 158
Plumb 168
Royalblue 47
Scarlet 141
Sesame 113
Shell 196
Shitake 124
Slate 87
Taupe 12
Wood 108
Darkblue 48
Lava 165
Darkgrey 68
Steel 149
Ashgrey 40
Lightgrey 60
Linen 110
Naturel 01
Clay 84
Beige 05
Shitake 124
Sepia 176
Blossom 166
Hazel 96
Cognac 28
Curry 216
Sand 03
Thyme 206
Hunter 156
Teal 198
Army 14
Burgundy 34
Copper 126
Cream 02
Desert 109
Eucalyptus 193
Gold 132
Graphite 66
Indigo 90
Liver 10
Natural 01
Onyx 169
Plumb 168
Royalblue 47
Scarlet 141
Shell 196
Steel 149
Thyme 206
Wood 108
Beige 05
Blush 92
Burgundy 34
Cacao 83
Darkgrey 68
Ecru 102
Graphite 66
Indigo 90
Lightgrey 60
Mustard 06
Natural 01
Pesto 194
Taupe 12
Teal 198
Zinc 167
TC318 - Anthracite 67
TC319 - Brass 170